The accompanying blog to Twitter account @OurEpiscopalMO where each week a follower of Jesus tweets about their life as a member of the Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri or the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. Monday through Sunday authors reflect upon faith and prayer, church news, and what it means to be Christian in Missouri.

We started this project in the diocese on the eastern side of the state and are happy to welcome Episcopalians from the western side. After some weeks of West Missourians tweeting, we'll share this account across the church in Missouri.

Opinions and comments belong to the week's tweeter, and may not reflect the entire membership of either diocese. Particularly regarding baseball and BBQ. Tweeting commenters are encouraged to be generous of spirit, inclusive, and to seek the face of Jesus with each tweet.

At the end of each week, we'll "storify" that week's tweets and post below. Missouri Episcopalians: want to sign up for a week? Contact Beth Felice, Diocese of Missouri, or Gary Allman, Diocese of West Missouri,

Sunday, August 24, 2014