The accompanying blog to Twitter account @OurEpiscopalMO where each week a follower of Jesus tweets about their life as a member of the Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri or the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. Monday through Sunday authors reflect upon faith and prayer, church news, and what it means to be Christian in Missouri.

We started this project in the diocese on the eastern side of the state and are happy to welcome Episcopalians from the western side. After some weeks of West Missourians tweeting, we'll share this account across the church in Missouri.

Opinions and comments belong to the week's tweeter, and may not reflect the entire membership of either diocese. Particularly regarding baseball and BBQ. Tweeting commenters are encouraged to be generous of spirit, inclusive, and to seek the face of Jesus with each tweet.

At the end of each week, we'll "storify" that week's tweets and post below. Missouri Episcopalians: want to sign up for a week? Contact Beth Felice, Diocese of Missouri, or Gary Allman, Diocese of West Missouri,

Monday, May 26, 2014

Out of the gate challenges and metrics

Would anyone say hello, would I have to beg my colleagues for a pity tweet or two?

I'm both a lay employee of the diocese and Episcopalian. Which can be a lot of Episcopal in one week, for you AND for me!

My posting goal for the week was 25% personal tweets, 25% peeks inside diocesan office, and 50% getting the account built out, promoted, and on the radar of the wider community. Held fairly well to the equation until the holiday weekend, when I spent some quality time listening to pie cherries ripen in my back yard while reading a book or two. (Cherry harvest looks to be Wed. or Thurs. this week.)

I completely failed documenting my own church on Sunday. Then gleefully built the storify and handed over the keys. The jury is out on that storify, which right now looks to me like a wall of words.

Next up is Maria Evans, who has an interesting week ahead, with Memorial Day and Ascension, ending as she travels to the diocesan discernment conference in St Louis.

Some metric comparison from a new measuring tool (H/t @dianeradfordmd.)

We have three Twitter accounts with three voices. The main institutional account is @diocesemo, it's occasional official news and our prayer cycles of Diocese of Missouri and Diocese of Lui, South Sudan. It's the oldest account, has the most followers, but is the most formal.

@diomonews carries parish, diocesan, and wider church news items. The goal is to send out several items each day, spread throughout the day. We've recently begun to support the work of other dioceses and repost items from the Episcopal Church's public affairs officer, who posts and tweets a daily scan of media items featuring Episcopalians.

@OurEpiscopalMO is first person and relational, and has the ability to be the least formal. Engagement numbers for the last 3 days of the week passed?

  • @diocesemo, followers: 1888, total reach 5463, total impressions: 7361 
  •  @diomonews, followers: 859, total reach 2021, total impressions: 12,329 
  •  @ourepiscopalmo, followers: 74, total reach 42,267, total impressions: 124,610 

They line up as expected. One account which represents 12,500 members' voices is going to difer in character from one which offers one voice at a time. Hopefully our three channels combine to offer the world the voices of this Missouri diocese. -Beth Felice

* Total reach: total # of people who potentially have seen statuses 

** Total impressions: total # of non-unique people, who potentially have seen statuses

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